Saturday, January 3, 2009

MHO: Sexual Illustration vs. Non Sexual Illustration

Using sexual illustration in an Ad works better on those who favor sexual contents; the correct recall on the brand name among those is also higher. Among those unfavorable to sexual illustrations, the recall is also high but correct brand name recall somehow lower. Using non sexual illustration, the overall correct recall is higher, both non favorable and favorable to sexual illustration. This is because consumers mind can proceed straight towards remembering or understanding the ad without distracted by any means or force of sexual icon or unnecessary icon in the ad.

Marketer needs to remember that gender of the endorsers plays an important role in brand recall. Ad that uses female endorsers will have minimum recall among male audiences because they have an initial perception of the Ad as being target to female than male thus paying less attention; similarly, Ad that uses male endorsers will have minimum recall among female. Thus, a product that target at male who consider using male model instead of female; however, female model can be used as a secondary endorsers in the ad to complement the male endorsers so that the emotional fell of romance can be created (if the product is e.g. perfume, deodorant…).

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